10 Tips for Making Your Job Interview Introduction
10 Tips for Making Your Job Interview Introduction: 1. Mind your body language: The way you stand, sit, walk, and look around all make an impression (favorable or not) upon the people you come in contact with. 2. Don’t forget to introduce yourself: Never assume that people will automatically know who you are when you arrive at your interview location as well as when you start interview.It's you can say warm up. 3. Make eye contact : A great way to exhibit confidence is by making strong eye contact. When you walk, make friendly eye contact with people (and not the floor), and when you’re speaking to someone, try to look into their eyes 4. Be positive: To combat any awkward facial cues, try to maintain a positive attitude prior to your interview,putting a smile on your face will help to subconsciously ease your anxiety and send a positive message to those you are meeting as well. 5. Hone your handshake: To establish a positive rapport with your potential employer, yo...